Grape stomping at the winery

A local winery was having a harvest festival where you had the chance to do some grape stomping. We thought it would be fun to go and check it out and let the kids try stomping grapes. Holly wouldn't have any part of it but Zachary was a trooper. I don't think he really got the gist of what was going on but he stomped as well as he could. The day was going nicely until we discovered that stomping in grapes could actually be irritating to the skin. A fact that was brought to our attention when Zachary started crying quite dramatically and trying to scratch the skin off his feet. Our fun afternoon was quickly going down hill. Thankfully, a good wash in the winery's bathroom sink calmed his skin down a little and we were able to salvage the rest of our outing. Needless to say, I think we'll skip the grape stomping next year. I did get some good pictures though.
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