Saturday, August 20, 2005

Where the wild things are...........

Should not be our kitchen!! We came home from picking up Holly from school yesterday to find that our house was not occupied by just the dog. A long black snake was slithering around on the floor under the bay window. Nice....real nice! After Holly and I screamed like the girls we are, I called good ol' Poppie to come save his grandchildren (and precious daughter) from the evil serpant. Poppie managed to chase the snake out the kitchen door into the garage where hopefully it skidaddled to a more natural habitat. To add to the reptily experience, a skink also decided to scamper in while I was standing guard awaiting Poppie's salvation behind the baracade of toys I had errected to keep the snake from heading into the rest of the house. Do we have some sign outside advertising us as a reptile hostel or something? I waved the fluffy orange duster I had grabbed as a weapon (praying the whole time that the snake wouldn't notice the skink since I didn't want my own personal Wild Kingdom episode) and it ran under the metal threshold at the bottom of the door. Ah hah! Maybe that's how the snake got in. Rather than cursing the stupid skink's existence, I now had to thank it for showing me the possible entry point. Needless to say, Jack will be fixing the gaps under all the outside doors this weekend. The House of Reptiles is now closed!


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