For It's Root, Root, Root For The Cubbies!

I redecorated Zachary's room in a Cubs/baseball theme. It took me forever, mainly because I would get tired of doing it, but it looks good. The biggest project was painting the Wrigley Field sign on the wall. That turned out to be a pain but I'm very happy with the way it turned out. I also really like the color I used for the sponge painting on the wall, Buzz Lightyear Beta Sector, one of the Disney colors at Home Depot. When it was sponged on over the cream colored walls, it looked just like the clay on a baseball diamond. I hung up baseball border and stenciled the words to "Take Me Out To The Ballgame". Some cool baseball posters I found online and a really neat baseball shadow box frame completed the look. Oh, I forgot the baseball bats that my dad mounted to the closet doors for door pulls and he also cut a bat in half so that I could hang both halves on the wall. We're going to put them on either side of the sign. I eventually want to get a ceiling fan that has baseball bat shape blades and a catcher's mitt and baseball for the light fixture part.
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* The picture above has been Paint Shopped to protect the innocent. :-)
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