Superman and his arch nemesis Spiderella

Here are the kids in this year's Halloween costumes. Zachary wanted to be a super hero and picked out Superman. I tried valiantly to talk him into the cool Batman costume which was also on sale but I guess Batman just wasn't cool enough. Holly decided she wanted to have a scarier costume than usual so she chose Spiderella. There was this gorgeous spirit costume that I tried talking her into but she was stuck on this one. I even tried "If you really loved me, you'd pick this costume".....didn't work. *sigh* I liked it better when they were too young to voice their opinions and I could dress them however I wanted. :-)
Trick-or-treating was fun. We went to Publix first because the kids like to go around to all the stations they have set up in there for Halloween. They got to paint pumpkins this year. That was neat. Then we went to a friend's house that's in a popular neighborhood and trick-or-treated from there. The homeowners come out and camp down at the end of their driveways and hand out candy. Some of them even turn it into a party. The kids had fun collecting candy and of course, we couldn't end the evening without something funny from Zachary. All night long people kept saying "Hi Superman" whenever they saw Zachary. Well, Zachary finally had enough of that and said in a voice thick with irritation, "I'm not really Superman. It's just a costume" :-)
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