Tuesday, October 18, 2005

If only words could do that

Preparing dinner last night....

Me - "Zachary, put the spatula back"

Zachary - happily banging spatula on the counter

Me - taking spatula and putting it back

Zachary - "Hey, I was playing with that!"

Me - "Didn't you hear the words that were coming out of my mouth? I said to put the spatula back"

Zachary - "Well, if the words would go back in your mouth then you wouldn't say that and I could play with it"

Me - "Why don't you go see what your father is doing?"

Friday, October 14, 2005

Paradise by the Dairy Case Lights

Sorry Meatloaf....I just couldn't resist. :-)

I never realized what a pleasure it could be to grocery shop by yourself until Zachary started PreK. I actually look forward to grocery shopping now. Taking your time, stopping to look at things, not having to referee fights or rush someone to the bathroom, pure heaven. I overhear other mothers with their children and sigh happily as I push a regular cart without the extra child seat extension, my own shopping experience blessedly silent. No cries of "She hit me", "He won't stop touching me", "I can't stand that sound he's making", "I'm hungry!".....just blessed silence coming from my cart. I think Meatloaf should do a song about that. I know I'd buy it.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Kids and the Tiger

This is one of my favorite photos from the trip to San Francisco and one of our favorite moments. When the tiger saw the kids standing there at the glass, she got up from her resting place in the middle of the enclosure, stretched, and slowly ambled over to check them out. That was so neat! We were the only ones there looking at her so we had the tiger all to ourselves. Just a few inches of glass between us. After she stared at the kids for a minute, she laid down right next to us almost like she wanted company. I felt kind of bad leaving her when it was time to move on. This zoo was one of the neatest zoo's we've visited.