Where to Go update
M i c......k e y.....M o u s e!! Yay!! Disney World here we come!!
Ramblings about raising two kids and just life in general.
We're trying to decide where to go on vacation this summer. The kids and I are pulling for Disney (yes, I know...heat, crowds, and Brazilians) and Jack wants to go up to Virginia/Kentucky to visit his relatives and then head back through Tennessee stopping in Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg and maybe Chattanooga. Hmmmm, a loooooong time spent in the car with the children while I contemplate the various ways I can painfully torture Jack as he sucks annoyingly on his millionth sunflower seed (and don't forget the spitting of the seeds, the SPITTING) verses heat, crowds and Brazilians. I'm thinking the Brazilians look pretty good right now.
The countdown has begun. I'm officially going back into the classroom. I found out last week that I'm going to have a position in First Grade at the kids' school next school year. I'm pretty excited about it. There are two teachers in each grade level so I'll be working with one other First Grade teacher and I just happen to love her to death so I'm very happy about being her partner. She was Holly's First Grade teacher. I'm really trying to enjoy these last months of "me" time now since I know I'll be spending many days getting things ready over the summer. It's been almost 7 years since I taught last. I'm sure you can guess that Jack is thrilled about this turn of events. Poor thing has lost his favorite saying though. :-) What a shame.
And on the first day Bellsouth said "Let us giveth you more features for less than you are paying now" and Jack was skeptical but said "Yea verily let it be" and Susan and Holly rejoiced for now we had Caller ID
While burning a log at Poppie's house....